Friday, April 17, 2009

How advertising informs to our benefit

Our world is full of advertisements which promote nearly everything from daily necessities to luxurious items to health advertisements. We look at them every day and most of the time, we learn from them.
n the passage, the author argues how advertising can work to our benefit. However, I disagree with him to a certain extent. It is true that advertisements provide us with information and some use the information to tempt us to buy their products. However, the information that is provided with the advertisements is not always complete. The advertisers are bound to conceal the information which will cause the advertisements to lose its effectiveness. The target audience of the advertisements will not get the full picture and they will have the impression that this specific product is flawless. This will cause them to be tempted and might eventually lead to buying that product without knowing of its flaws until the buyer actually uses it.

This lack of full information also causes us to spent unnecessary money. An excellent example would be the advertisements of food. They will show you how “humongous” the meal is and then, they will state that it is “very affordable” and that it is very healthy. These kinds of advertisements will usually achieve the effect which is to attract the customer to eat their food. However, the customers will not return. “Macdonald’s” and the likes of such fast-food restaurants like to over-exaggerate their meal servings. “Macdonald’s” also boasts of how healthy and how economic their food is. These factors will probably attract many people including me. We will think that what we see is what we will get as seeing is believing hence, we went ahead to try. However, it was very disappointing when we get the real thing. It was anything but what we saw. The burger was pathetic and the amount of French fries was so measly. Furthermore, many people got fat because of fast food. Hence we can see that actually advertising does not work to our benefit but actually causes us more harm than good.

Personally, I think that advertisers should have honesty and integrity so as not to “scam” people into buying. It is to also save people from unnecessarily temptations. It is essential for a buyer to get the full picture of the product that they are buying so that they can make a good choice. Especially in the area of health products. If the buyer does not know of its side effects, the consequences could be catastrophic. From this, we can see the importance of honesty and integrity. However, sometimes it is near impossible to be fully honest and uphold integrity. Companies which need to sell their products will need to compromise heavily on this as their advertisements would be rendered useless if they state all the bad points of their products.

Honesty and integrity would be something that I like to see in the future. It would also help the buyer to make the right choice as the advertisements is ridden of gimmicks and hidden conditions. However, we all know that it is almost impossible to for advertisers to compromise on honesty and integrity.

Being a creative director of a tobacco company, my main aim will be for the advertisements to achieve its optimum effect and in the end, benefit the company’s sales. Hence, not adhering fully to honesty and integrity cannot be avoided. Everyone knows that tobacco is detrimental to health. However, the main selling point of tobacco is that it provides an escapade from daily troubles and that it is a good form of entertainment and enjoyment.

Everyone knows that the use of tobacco commonly leads to diseases which affect the vital organs of the body. It is a major risk factor for heart attacks and pulmonary diseases and most importantly, it can cause cancer. People who smoke also have a tenfold increase in the risk of dying from chronic obstructive lung disease. Over usage of tobacco can cause people to double their chances of getting stroke. These hard cold facts are right in front of people who use tobacco and I will leave the job of finding out the facts to the people who want to smoke.

The point is, if we list out all the adverse effects of tobacco, we are scaring customers away which is not the point of our advertisement and there is no point in advertising. I will design my advertisement such that they only show the good points. Having said this, it does not mean that I am dishonest; I only assumed that the buyers are in full knowledge of the product. Furthermore, I did not change the anything about tobacco. On the point on integrity, it necessary to compromise on it as giving the full picture reduces the effect of your advertisements.

All in all, there must be some compromise on honesty and integrity if my advertisement were to work, but I will not go to the extent of fully compromising honesty and integrity as it will not make a good advertisement. I will not change the facts but will only show positive aspects of tobacco. This way, compromise on honesty and integrity will be reduced and the advertisement will also have its optimum effect, boosting the company’s sales.

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