Tuesday, March 24, 2009


A stereotype way of looking at “pornography” would be that it has negative influence on the people that watch it and that it is extremely derogatory on women. Many schools tell their students to steer clear of pornographic material as it is very explicit and could be detrimental to their mental health and development. Many religions also tell their followers to avoid pornography at all costs. Many people condemn it and say that it insults and degrade women heavily and that women are portrayed as “slaves” for men in pornographic material. It also gives people the wrong idea that sex with anyone is okay. Pornography also trivializes rape. On top of that, they also state that it is “morally objectionable”. They degrade a person’s mind, giving them evil thoughts.

On the other hand, pornography is not entirely bad or negative. Most of the time, it is because of the stigma attached pornography that has caused many people to shun it. Furthermore, some people see it as a form of art. You can see many examples of porn art in many famous museums. A famous quote, “Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action” shows that artistic features of pornography. In addition, it also serves as a good replacement for people who are not able to enjoy sex because of a specific reason.

Now, I would like to touch on two issues: 1. The nature of pornography. 2. Reasons to why we should or should not exercise any form of censorship in this area.

The orthodox way of looking at pornographic material would be that it is extremely destructive. The destruction unleashed by pornographic material is mostly on males. When they are addicted to pornography, they become very callous with women, engage in many perverse things and have a mind which is twisted and filled with evil thoughts. Many people who commit rape usually start from watching pornographic material. Pornography is also extremely addictive, which can be compared to the addiction to heroin. People who are heavily addicted to pornography have altered thoughts which can cause him to do foolish actions to satisfy his sexual desires. This again emphasizes the adverse effects pornography has on society. In Christianity, God has disapproved of anything defiling or degrading in marriage.

Pornography can also be seen as a weapon of mass destruction. If everyone in society gets addicted to porn, they society would be bound to break down. Another major factor why pornography is extremely destructive is that it massively degrades women. Many websites online have stated how pornography degrades women. Pornography can be seen as the subjugation of women. A definition of pornography on the web was that women are presented dehumanized as sexual objects, things or commodities. Many definitions of pornography show how women are shown as “sexual objects”.

Due to the destructive nature of pornography, we have every good reason why we should exercise some form of censorship on it. Many of the reasons why we should censor pornography are given above. They main reasons are because it breaks down society (increases crime rate and breaks down marriages), adversely changes human behaviour (gives people the wrong idea about sex) and ultimately degrades women.

However, there are two sides to a coin as there are two ways to view pornography. Another way to interpret pornography is that it boosts the sexuality of women. We still cannot deny that pornography enhances the sexuality of women. Furthermore, pornography serves as another form of art. Last but not least, for those people who are not able to enjoy sex, pornography will prove to be a very good substitution. Hence, we should not exercise heavy censorship on pornography. We should exercise just enough censorship so that we can have a very brief contact with it; know about its positive and negative sides and how we should go about dealing with it.

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